
Children Orthodontics Specialist


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Are you concerned that your child may need orthodontics at some point? They may be eligible for children’s orthodontics sooner than you think. Early orthodontics treatments can mean fewer invasive and expensive procedures in the long term. Joseph Eliason, DDS, MSD, APC, and Kelly Choi, DMD, MSD, at Smile Orthodontics in Santa Rosa and Windsor, California, are committed to ensuring your child can be proud of their smile with children’s orthodontics. Call or schedule an appointment online to evaluate your child’s orthodontics needs today!

Why are children’s orthodontics important?

Orthodontic treatment works to create a healthy, functional bite, where the teeth and jaws line up correctly. A healthy bite is created partially through tooth alignment and partially through jaw position. When the jaws and teeth are in line, your smile is more attractive, bringing your teeth, lips, and face into proportion. 

The proper alignment of your teeth and jaws helps you bite and chew properly and helps you speak clearly. Straight teeth are less likely to suffer decay, gum disease, and injury. 

What is the right age for children’s orthodontics?

There is no “right” age for your child to receive orthodontics, but, ideally, children receive their first orthodontic evaluation between seven and nine years old. Parents typically begin noticing issues with their child’s teeth, mouth, or gums around eight years old, and this is when crooked or crowded teeth, bad bites, and other issues begin to manifest. 

At around seven years old, your child should have a mix of baby and permanent teeth. An orthodontic check-up that allows your orthodontics provider to evaluate your child’s needs as the face and jaws develop provides a wealth of information. Your orthodontist can see problems as they’re still developing and advise if and when treatment is needed.

Isn’t seven years old too young for children’s orthodontics?

Just because an orthodontist evaluates a child at seven years old for orthodontics doesn’t mean they need treatment right away. Only a few orthodontic problems need treatment right away, but early, interceptive treatment can save your family more invasive treatments and even surgery.

Smile Orthodontics also created the “Kids’ Club,” where children become part of a growth and observation program. Smile Orthodontics monitors their growth with regular checkups every 6-12 months for free while helping them learn great habits for a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. 

Call or schedule an appointment for your child with Smile Orthodontics today! Taking the time to start them on the road to oral health now will pay off with a lifetime of stunning smiles.